Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dana Houle. Douche Bag

Just sayin.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Dana Houle, aka DHinMI, is a fraud, a sockpuppet and proof that Daily Kos are a bunch of elitist pigs

Dana Houle, who has been a longtime front page blogger over at the Daily Kos, an arch critic of election fraud, and one of the founder's of the Next Hurrah, has been outed as the former chief of staff to New Hampshire Congressman Paul Hodes.

Houle, or DHinMI as many know him, was fired from his job because he made derogatory comments against gays and lesbians, wrote racist emails, and did not disclose that he had a major conflict of interest due to his secret identity as DHinMI. Dana Houle suffers from schizophrenia.

Brad Friedman of the BradBlog wrote a superb story uncovering Dana Houle's many outlandish fabrications

Dana Houle is a fraud and anything written by this sick, twisted individual should be discredited.